Saturday, January 7, 2012

HallBrawl on Fileshare!!!

I posted HallBrawl and a few of its Gametypes today on  my file share. I didn't post all of them because my Xbox was acting strange. I am preparing a post for Forge Hub and the Testers Guild right now, and it'll be done by Sunday evening. I have a feeling that this is not going to be the last draft of the map, but I am nevertheless very proud of it. Hopefully tommorow the rest of the Gametypes will be up. Thanks for reading!


  1. that map was great. i didnt like so much the simetrical maps but reminds me the good old times.
    i want play in your map king of death but may be later can you make a asimetrical map using the ideas that you use in hallbrawl.

  2. Such as what? I am going to try my hand at a city map at some point in the future, and I'm going to do a remake of a Star Wars Battlefront II map at some point also. They're not symmetrical.
