This page will feature all of my maps and their gametypes. I will include download links, descriptions, and screenshots.
Map Description
The name says it all. The Red base and the Blue base are separated by two long halls. Designed around a 5-Plot Territories gametype of the same name, HallBrawl is ten minutes of unconstrained mayhem. The map is designed to support almost all two-team gametypes, including team Oddball. This map is quite possibly my favorite, as it features nice aesthetics. I spent a long time building it and brainstorming every possible way to improve gameplay and the aesthetics. I used the decorative section heavily. Red flashing lights add to the atmosphere. The map is divided into halves. The blue side of the map features blue accents, while the red side features red accents. A Special Effects Color Filter brings out the blue and red. The middle of the map features a perpendicular hallway that connects the two main hallways. One hall features an armory (weapons inside can only be used in Territories) and the other hall features a small side hall with a reactor. The Armory doors feature an AI console that I spent a while on. I got the idea from the Halo Forge Epidemic on YouTube.
The map supports Assault, Neutral Bomb Assault, CTF, Neutral Flag CTF, Stockpile, Team Slayer, and Team Oddball.
Building the Map
The whole idea behind this map was put in my head by The Halo Forge Epidemic when they featured a map made by one of their members (Darth Human). The map looked AMAZINGLY FUN, but I thought that I could make it better. I studied the video a few times, and then started to build. I decided to add an armory, bigger bases, another hall, Special Effects, flashing lights, a connecting hallway, a reactor, struts, and support for other gametypes.
I had planned to have a large open room that branched off of the original hallway, but I didn't have the pieces. Of course, this was back when I didn't know how to conserve pieces and/or use them effectively. This open room would feature a Warthog that was also a territory.
I went through several drafts. The first one was a leech of pieces and budget, and it didn't look to good. The second draft was better, but after a little play testing, I discovered several problems. The hall (back when I only had one hall) was narrow and had a low ceiling. The AI console was not noticed. A large room that could not be accessed in game that was using a lot of pieces wasn't even noticed by the players. One side of the hall had a lot of cover. The other did not. Thus began draft three. I added a second hall, deleted the unnecessary features, enlarged the halls, and added support for multiple gametypes. I thought I was done, but when I looked through it again the next day, I realized that I was unsatisfied. I ripped out the walls and put in new ones. I deleted the bases and extended the halls' lengths by several 5x5 flat blocks. After a little more play testing thanks to the Tester's Guild on Forge Hub, the map was completed.
5-Plot Territories Gametype:
Stockpile Gametype:
Oddball Gametype:
Slayer Gametype:
King of Death
Map Description
King of Death is a simple King of the Hill (KOTH) map. While I was relaxing one day I wondered what would happen if a Soft Kill barrier was made the hill. With a little imagination, I was able to design a map and Gametype within 40 minutes. More info will be added soon.