Sunday, January 1, 2012

Got Home and Right Back to Work

I got home from vacation today and immediately I began work on HallBrawl. The map is nearly finished now. All I have to do is add support for other gametypes besides 3-Plot (In this case 5-Plot) Territories and do some testing. I discovered Forge Hub recently and I am hoping one of their map testers/reviewers will give me some advice. I am very excited! I worked a little on Cavernous Asylum today. That map is also almost done.
While I was on vacation and I didn't have Forge, I busied myself with planning out the maps I want to make. I am planning two remakes, one from my favorite Android game (Tank Hero), and another from Star Wars Battlefront II. All in all, January is going to be jam packed with Forging.

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