Monday, January 23, 2012

HallBrawl Pictures

I don't think I've mentioned this before but Hallbrawl V3 is now available. I've been really busy so I haven't had a chance to get these pictures out before. I gathered up all of them from and here they are. (These are in no particular order. They also don't show the whole map. This is also back from v2, so a few things have changed. Sorry.)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Gelid and two surprises!

Hi everybody. Today I finished setting up Gelid's gametypes. However, it must be tested before it will be ready. In addition, I put HallBrawl V3 on my File Share. I was noticing some problems with it when there are only two players. Basically, the better player can kill the lesser player, advance forward, and stand outside the other player's base while the ten seconds for the respawn count down. When the lesser player steps out of his base, the better player can immediately assassinate him. V3 keeps the better player from getting to the lesser player's base. So V3 is just a minor fix to a problem I encountered.
I started something new today, a race map that involves driving underwater. I have never done a race map before, so over the next few days I'm going to be checking out some YouTube tutorials. I got the whole idea for the map from Darth Human's/The Halo Forge Epidemic's video tutorial on deep water locations. Here is a link for those interested:
Deep Water Locations
That's all for this post! Be sure to check back soon for more details.

Monday, January 16, 2012

New Project

Hi everybody! Today I nearly finished the physical building of a new asymmetrical project. I won't say much, save that its best for FFA Slayer and Team Slayer. One more thing: It's called Gelid. I've been working on it for about a week now and its going well. By the end of the week I hope to have it done.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

HallBrawl v2

I'm on my mobile phone now so I'll explain this more later, but HallBrawl has a few problems that I didnt notice before, due to my friend playing around. I have fixed these problems in HallBrawl v2, now available.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

HallBrawl on Fileshare!!!

I posted HallBrawl and a few of its Gametypes today on  my file share. I didn't post all of them because my Xbox was acting strange. I am preparing a post for Forge Hub and the Testers Guild right now, and it'll be done by Sunday evening. I have a feeling that this is not going to be the last draft of the map, but I am nevertheless very proud of it. Hopefully tommorow the rest of the Gametypes will be up. Thanks for reading!

Friday, January 6, 2012

King of Death

First I'd like to say that all that is left on HallBrawl is setting up loadouts. I started AND finished another map today, called King of Death. If I had more than two minutes right now I would describe it in the Maps and Gametypes page but as I said, I don't have time. I hope to get that up soon. Bye!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

HallBrawl Nearly Finished!

I worked hard today, but I could have gotten more done if my friend Robbie hadn't joined and started shooting at me while I was trying to build. A quick skirmish in the map and a few messages later, he left to go play CoD MW3. All I need to do now is place weapons and place the objectives for the different Gametypes I want to include. That will probably take 2-3 hours (2-3 days since I only play one hour per day.) Hopefully I  can get the map on Forge Hub and my file share by the end of the week.

Monday, January 2, 2012

HallBrawl Tear-out

Yesterday I tore out HallBrawl's walls and began to put in new ones. Today I mostly finished the walls and completely delete both bases. They were large, nobody used them, and therefore they were a complete waste of pieces. Using those pieces, I began construction of two new bases. I almost completed the red base. Despite the fact I am going back to school tomorrow, I am confident I can finish both bases tomorrow and then work on the gametypes after that. I hope to submit the map to Forge Hub for testing. Depending on the response, I may have to do a draft five. Ouch!
Today is the Rose Bowl, so I have to cheer for my favorite football team! GGGOOOO DDDDUUUUUCCCCKKKKKSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Got Home and Right Back to Work

I got home from vacation today and immediately I began work on HallBrawl. The map is nearly finished now. All I have to do is add support for other gametypes besides 3-Plot (In this case 5-Plot) Territories and do some testing. I discovered Forge Hub recently and I am hoping one of their map testers/reviewers will give me some advice. I am very excited! I worked a little on Cavernous Asylum today. That map is also almost done.
While I was on vacation and I didn't have Forge, I busied myself with planning out the maps I want to make. I am planning two remakes, one from my favorite Android game (Tank Hero), and another from Star Wars Battlefront II. All in all, January is going to be jam packed with Forging.